The first was on Friday night. I went with my friend Ryan to the house where the party was and spent about 20 to 30 minutes just standing there really awkwardly. Everyone there was a person that I'm not necessarily friends with, but still know well enough to be comfortable around. At least for the most part. Ryan and I sat in the shed and I watched her take a few shots of whatever alcohol was there, and we laughed and made jokes between each other. I took a few sips of beer while she was trying to shotgun a can of it and momentarily handed it to me. It was disgusting and I was quickly reminded of why I don't drink. Right after that, everyone came rushing into the shed where we were because Ryan had stolen a girl's weed in order to keep her from using it. Eventually she gave it back, but the girl never ended up smoking it. Basically, the rest of the party was made up of me sitting in the shed watching everyone else smoke and make out. I found it entertaining at the time, but now I look back on it and wonder what the hell was so entertaining about it. The two highlights were talking to my friend Austin (and the butt touch that came after) and when Ryan made out with one of the coolest girls in school. Sadly I missed the latter because I was hiding in the bathroom from a boy. Not because I was in any kind of danger, just because he was determined to follow me everywhere. That's definitely how to get a girl to make out with you. What a ladies man.
The rest of the night was spent having Ryan sleep over at my house. Which included listening to her talk on the phone all night.
The next party was on Saturday night. Ryan was going to that one too, so she stayed at my house the remainder of the day. I was looking forward to this party a lot more. It was my friend Ocean's disney princess themed birthday party. We went over around 4 because we had been assigned to dress up as two of the princesses. I was to be Cinderella, and Ryan was to be Merida. That didn't really work out since she refused to put her dress on, but her hair curled quite nicely. The party didn't actually start until around 7:30, but in the mean time I got to do my hair and makeup and meet everyone else. A lot of the costumes were really cool, as were the people in them.
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The top half of my Cinderella outfit |
Once the party started, we all went out into the backyard and ate food while we waited for everyone else to get there. I wish I had gotten pictures of everything. Fairy lights were draped across the few trees and the cookies had pastel colored frosting and read "eat me". Once the party got into full swing thing's started getting a lot more enjoyable. I sat on a picnic blanket and talked to friends I had either just met that night, or hadn't seen since school let out. Disney soundtracks played in the background and the sun started setting. Eventually we all ended up sitting in a circle around Ocean's fire pit. There was a slight attempt to get karaoke going, but not many people were for that. Everyone was a lot more comfortable socializing and smoking. I met a lot of really cool people around the fire.
There was Ursula (aka abby) who was completely kickass. She was the girl doing everyone's hair and makeup earlier. Her makeup was amazing and I wish I had a picture of it. I felt like her being Ursula was fitting, since she had a tattoo of some sort of ship on her arm.
There was Ariel (aka bre) who was just a very nice person. Ryan was good friends with her already, so that's who I met her through. We talked a lot during the party.
There was Snow White (aka hannah) who I didn't actually meet properly, but I thought she was interesting. Her Snow White costume was killer, mainly due to these big yellow heels she wore matched with frilly socks. To smoke, she brought one of those grandpa style pipes and puffed on it all night.
There was Marshall who was adorable. He made it very clear when he got there that he was gay and he was very polite about asking if he could smoke next to me. One of those guys that everyone feels at ease around.
Lastly, there was Alec. My friend Maggie and I started talking to him because we noticed his Welcome To Night Vale phone background. He got very excited that we knew what that was and the three of us sat around the fire and discussed WTNV, music, school, writing, weird movies, and quirks. He got very taken aback when he realized we were just about 4 years apart in age. Thankfully, he didn't seem to mind.
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Ryan, me, and my friend Carlee as Belle |
After sitting around the fire for a bit, I went inside to take my hair out of it's Cinderella bun. On my way back out, I ran into Ryan, Bre, Ocean and Alec sitting on the kitchen floor eating Fruit by the Foot. I sat down and joined them. A few seconds later, we were joined by my friend Pocahontas (aka Crystal) and Marshall. We talked and laughed and discussed Orange is the New Black. Alec had to leave the room for that, since he was only on the second episode of the series. Once he peeked through the window twice and got shouted at twice, he came back in. Marshall left after that, and we continued talking about things like sexuality, sharp objects, and parents. After the kitchen floor discussions, I grabbed my shoes from outside and left. Kind of fitting, since I was Cinderella. I didn't leave before saying goodbye to a few people and getting a hug from Bre.
I was really upset that I had to leave, but tired mothers aren't to be tested.
I had an amazing time at that last one. There a lot of cool people I didn't even mention, but hopefully I'll see some of them again. Bre and Alec found me on Facebook that night, so I can at least keep in touch with them.
Moral of the story: if someone is having a Disney princess party you should definitely go.
Also, I have two new playlists on my 8tracks and I would love it if you gave them a listen.
[Summer is Boring]
[Count them, Alice]
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