A few things have happened in the past week or so, including (but not limited to):
- the loss of a boyfriend (by that I mean we broke up)
- some unexpected boy drama having nothing to do with my now ex-boyfriend
- some family visits
- one of the best concert experiences ever
- the appreciation that I have amazing friends and just because we don't all hang out 24/7 doesn't mean we aren't close
Since most of that is quite personal, I'm going to talk about the second to last bullet (the concert one).
On Tuesday, July 22nd, I had the amazing opportunity to go to Monumentour, which is Paramore and Fall Out Boy's current tour. Easily one of the best concerts I've ever been to.
The adventure started at 4:30 because I'd gotten an email from Paramore.com talking about a fan tailgate that was supposed to happen before the show. My sister and I got there and there was no tailgate to be found. Just the really long VIP Meet and Greet lines and some very early dedicated fans. Disappointed and sweaty, we proceeded to sit in front of the gate for the next hour and half. It ended up being worth it because we were the second people in our line. After we actually got into the venue we bought drinks, food, merch, and then found our seats and took some selfies.
The opening band was a group called New Politics, which I had known about previously and liked them a lot. My sister had never even remotely heard of them and thought they were weird. The lead singer sang and did some breakdancing, the guitarist hopped around stage, and the drummer was just fantastic. I think they had a pretty good command of the crowd for just an opening band.
Through out the concert there were these two girls sitting diagonally from us that definitely added to the entertainment. I'm pretty sure security talked to them about 5-7 times for various reasons. They weren't in their actual seats, they were standing on the railing, they snuck into the VIP box, etc. Every single time a security person would talk to them, one of the girls would just pat them on the shoulder and try to talk her way out of it. All while her friend filmed her on her phone. Then at a couple points, they would start hardcore making out and occasionally grind on each other. Fun stuff, right?
I went and met up with my friend, Justin, between New Politics and Paramore's set. Which was nice because I pretty much hadn't seen him all summer. He's one of the friends I had in mind when I wrote that last bullet point.
Then, Paramore came on and everything became a bazillion times more awesome.
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The lucky girl that got to go on stage and sing with Hayley |
Paramore really enjoyed spraying confetti into the audience. They did it like, 3 times. Hayley Williams is easily my #1 girl crush in the universe, so needless to say I was flipping out and loosing my voice through their entire set.
After getting more water, a well needed bathroom break, and quickly joining in a rendition of "Ain't it Fun." with a random cute boy, Fall Out Boy graced us with their presence.
Pete came over to our section with a T-shirt gun and we made eye contact. It was magical. |
All in all I believe Paramore were much better live performers than FOB, but both bands have been with me most of my life, so just seeing them in the flesh was an amazing thing. The crowd was beautiful as well. Half of the time, the band would stop singing and the audience would just keep going. It was great.
After Fall Out boy did their encore and the lights went off for good, my sister and I made our way to the mess of a parking lot to attempt to find our parents. On our way there, I ran into my good friend Parker. We hugged and I introduced him to my sister and he informed me about the chicks he had scored that night (3 numbers in one night, congrats man). After that, we drove home and I proceeded to listen to nothing but the setlists for the next few days.
I think I'll leave you with a quote from our local newspaper, who did an article on the tour.
"There were moments during Monumentour where the crowd takes over completely, delivering every word like churchgoers answering a pastors call. Salvation, you know?"
Song(s) of the day // Ain't it Fun by Paramore & Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy
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