It started off as a perfectly normal day. I sat with my 'morning gang' in the hallway in front of the library until the bell rang, I talked to my boyfriend for a few minutes on the staircase, I got to Bio and discussed the gossip of the day with Skylar, etc. Actually, the first 'out of the ordinary' thing did happen in Bio. We got to live out the high school cliche of dissecting frogs. I thought it was going to be nasty, which it totally was, but not nearly as nasty I had been imagining. I was actually the one that started sifting through froggy organs, while my partner did the worksheet. But anyways, I'm not here to talk about that.
The real excitement came when I was in English (next period). My class was all chilled out, watching Shrek, whatever, when our principal came on the intercom.
"Teachers and students, I'm going to have to ask everybody to listen very closely. Stop what you're doing and listen to me. Everyone needs to take their things and move to the football stadium. There will not be a dismissal to third period or lunch. Again, I need all students and teachers to move to the stadium with your class."
This got me excited. Also a bit confused because nobody knew what the heck was going on. But, we all went to the stadium and hung out for an hour or two in a huddle on the track. I personally was having fun just chilling with the friends I had in that class. Then, we got a second announcement. This one stated that they were going to relocate the entire student body to the middle school down the street. That's when the rumors started hardcore circulating. The main one was that we were out here because of a bomb threat. My english teacher insisted that it wasn't true. Our principal just said 'threat'.
"If they knew what exactly was going on, they would've told the teachers." she speculated.
I got onto our local news website and pulled up an article that had just been posted stating that our local police department confirmed the bomb threat. Fun stuff, right?
Luckily, my class was one of the first group of classes they dismissed to load onto a bus. Regardless, it still took another 20 minutes to half an hour. So my friends and I stood near the gate in the blazing heat trying to pass the time effectively. Once we actually got on the bus, everything was cool. The bus had pretty nice seats and air conditioning on full blast. Everyone was making bomb puns and pointing out all of the news people everywhere.
However, once we got to the middle school everything went extremely down hill. The original procedure was to get off the bus, go into this fenced in field area, make contact with whatever parent was going to come get you, and then have them check you out so you could leave. What actually went down was pure chaos. We got off the bus and I spotted my mom and the checkout table, so I attempted to get to her but I was corralled by some middle school teachers and police. Once inside the gates, I started panicking a little. My english teacher rounded up the kids in my class that had parents already here, and tried to express to a police officer that we could leave. He sort of ignored her a bit so she left us with a teacher who was guarding the gate. He wouldn't let me leave until he 'could make eye contact with my mom'. So i desperately flagged down my mom from the crowd and he let me out. Then I had to rescue my best friend from 'The Cage' because her mom had left without her. By the time we got to the checkout table they had decided to change the plan around. One lady started yelling at the teacher at the table to move it, but luckily the teacher was my study hall teacher and my best friends math teacher. So she checked us out super quickly and we got the hell out of there.
I still have the complaints of parents and the desperate shouts of teenagers ringing in my ears.
Casually evacuating the school |
Once I got home I finally had food and then watched Bob's Burgers and fell asleep for a few hours. When I woke up I checked twitter and Instagram to see what people were saying about the whole event. #[Insert my high school name here]BombThreat2014 and #dontgointhecage were both trending throughout the student body. What a day.
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